Prof. Dr. (jur.) Yeshwant Naik
Lehr und Forschungsgebiete
Human Rights Law, Public International Law, Constitutional Law, Legal Anthropology, Philosophy of Law, Techno-Feudalism, Postcolonialism, Othering, Migration, Neocolonialism, Heterosexism, Gender, Sexuality
2024 (forthcoming) Literature and the Legal Imaginary: Equality vs. Othering, Exclusion and Discrimination in Indian law and Literature.
2023 LGBTIQ+ curriculum in Higher Education: Issues and Concerns. Münster University Publication.
2022 The Subaltern Speak. Notin Press.
2022 “Transgender Family Rights Issues and Concerns: A Comparative Legal Analysis of Asia and Europe,” in Exploring Norms and Families Across the Globe. Lexington Books.
2021 Domestic Violence against Male Same-Sex Partners in the EU with special reference to Refugee and Migrant Gay Men in Germany. Springer.
2017 Homosexuality in the Jurisprudence of the Supreme Court of India. Springer.
2014 Law Beyond Gender. Sahodari Foundation. (The book intends to create socio-legal awareness on transgender issues. It tries to give basic first-hand information of the law on the subject of transsexuality in India).
2013 Textbook on International Law and Human Rights. Pondicherry, India: Southern Bookhouse.
2011 Law and You. co-authored by S. Nadkarni. India: Kare College. (Collection of essays on socio-legal issues, India viz., Refugee Law in India, Domestic Violence and Women in India, Terrorism in India, Ragging, Sexual Minorities in India, Surrogacy and Law, Right to Work, Child Labour in India).
2006 The Child (Konkani language), India: Aasra Publication. (Monograph: Child Sexual Abuse in Goa).
Selected Articles
2021 “Covid 19: Human Rights and State Responsibility,” Review of European Studies, Vol. 13, September issue.
2021 “A Comparative Overview of Refugee Rights in Europe and India,” Global Journal of Politics and Law Research, Vol.9.
2021 “Regulations on Sex Toy Industry in Europe,” Technium Social Sciences Journal, vol. 16.
2019 “Economic Activity and Extraterritoriality as a Criterion for the Applicability of Competition Law,” in Indian Journal of Law, Humanities, Management and Practice, vol. 1:1.
2018 “A Comparative Analysis on the Global Environmental Governance: Issues and Concerns,” in JuralCredere International Law Journal, vol. 1.
2018 “A Global Perspective on Insolvency and its Impact on the Employment Sector,” in Jus Imperator – The Online Journal of Law and Management, vol. 1.
2018 “An Overview of Fisheries Management Under International Law,” in Jus Imperator – The Online Journal of Law and Management, vol. 2.
2018 “Hostilities Under International Law,” in the International Journal of Legal Studies and Research, vol. 4.
2018 “Resolving the Kashmir Conflict from an International Law Perspective,” in Indian Politics & Law Review Journal, vol. 3.
2018 “India’s Refugee Policy: Issues and Concerns,” in Asian Law & Public Policy Review, vol. 3.
2018 “A Comparative Analysis on the Global Environmental Governance: Issues and Concerns,” Jural Credere, Vol. 1.I. Kerala: India ISSN
2017 “International Criminal Law in the Netherlands and Germany: A Comparative Study,” in International Journal of Comparative Legal Research, vol. 1.
2017 “Law of Arbitration in Western Europe and India: A Comparative Study,” in Jus Imperator – The Online Journal of Law and Management, vol. 1.
2016 “Legal impediments to cyber obscenity in India”, Ambedkar Law Journal, Ambedkar Law College, Chennai, India.
2015 “Marriage as a norm and its impact on men in India”, Annamalai University Journal, Chidambaram, India.
2014“Relationship Status: Judiciary Committed to Environment”. In: Ananya Bardhan (ed.), Humane. Pondicherry-India: Pondicherry University, p. 8-9.
2010 “Anti-Terrorism Laws”. In: G.Morais (ed.), Kare Law Journal. India, p. 9-21.